K's World of Music is moving;)
My dear Music Lovers, this Blog will be discontinued, as i reached the technically limits of blogger. I moved with all my content to my new Blog on Wordpress https://ksworldofmusic.com and hope you will go on joining me and follow my musical ways through the second life from there;) Please consider that the subscribe option on my new wordpress Blog is working, it is just currently not visually active as it should be. You can subscribe, fill the fields and go with the mouse above what you wrote to make it visible. I work on it to make the text black so that the useless white on white issue will be disabled. My Blog content is partly still linked to this Blog, which should be updated completely in time. The new categories of Genre will make it more easy for you to find what you focus on. Also the general search option will lead you to the Genres and more you want to have access on. Them who follow me already on my K's World of Music FB Page, will be linked automaticall...